martes, 18 de diciembre de 2018

Post 10, Changes to my study Program

Hello everyone, today I will talk about some changes that I would like to do to my career: Public Administration
Well, to first the curriculum map is very good, this has many subjects so varied but I think the university should add a subject of advanced computational programme, because use computers and these programs is an important skill in the labor field. In relation to de workload this is normal but in the end of the semester this changes and the workload is very hard, and the length of studies is correctly, before the career was a length of 6 years and now have a length of 5 years, so I am satisfied
Relative to the infrastructure of the school this is very deficient, we are many students in a limited space, also we don’t have an elevator and too only one lab, and this are the principal changes that the school needs (in any case the antique school is was very ugly, so I can't complain much anyway)
As far as the use of technology is concerned we are somewhat behind at university level, other faculties like FEN or Beauchef have immense facilities, many printers and a lot of computers and laboratories with cutting-edge technology.
Finally, as far as teaching methods are concerned, it is complicated because each teacher makes classes as he sees fit, that is to say, there are very didactic classes and very boring classes.
Well fellas, here I say goodbye, Guille has spoken to you and wishes you good night. 

martes, 11 de diciembre de 2018

Post 9, The holidays!

Hello everyone, today I am going to talk about of an entertaining topic, I will talk about of my summer holidays!

Well, just yesterday I was talking with my friend of the high school Bryan about the holidays (Coincidence? I don’t believe that!) As I see it, he has invited me to go with him to the south of Chile, specifically Temuco, and two friends more of the school. I'm absolutely convinced that it’s an attractive offer because I always want to meet the south of our country, the people says that’s beautiful, so this experience with friends it could be marvelous. As never visit the south I don’t know the tourist attractions or the activities that you can realize in these places, but I am interested to go fish (like the gringo families), also I would like harvest fruits, cut firewood, give affection to the animals and will know many places.

Furthermore, other friend of the church, Gabriel invited me to “Las Cruces” with two friends more, his grandmother have a house in the beach so we don’t have to pay the rent (that’s a relief), even though to stay in “Las Cruces” we could visit other places or beaches, like “El Tabo” “El Canelillo” “El Quisco” “Laguna El Peral” or “Mirador Punta del Lacho”

Unfortunately, my family is very overprotective so probably they don’t give permission to go out of Santigo with friends :( I don't share that opinion.

sábado, 8 de diciembre de 2018

Post 8, PET practise

Here's my results in PET

Reading 1: 6/7
Reading 2: 5/7
Reading 3: 2/5

Listening 1: 5/7
Listening 2: 3/6

Vocabulary: 25/33

viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2018

Post 7, Is obesity a disease?

Hi again my dear friends, are you okay? Today I will talk about a topic serious, more concretely about the obesity that is why we will work with the next question:
Is obesity a disease?
Well, what I am think is the obesity is that a disease, and now my reasons
In first place the obesity cause effect very negatives in your body, in addition you have a propensity to catch diabetes, high blood pressure and cardiovascular complications, and that is so sad and bad, another reason is that getting out of obesity is very difficult. Also the obesity decreases a person's life expectancy and can cause death, like other diseases, the Obesity in adults can lead to three years' loss of life and the extreme obesity can shorten a person's life span by 10 years! This shows that the situation is very serious. According to a study conducted by "Lancet" demonstrates that even moderate obesity led to an increased chance of early death, 29.5% for men and 14.6% for women. Another reason that takes strength in my argument is the opinion of experts on the topic, like the English physician Thomas Sydenham or William Wadd a British surgeon and medical author, both have referenced obesity as a disease in his works.
It is for all these reasons mentioned above that I think that obesity is a disease, what do you think?

martes, 20 de noviembre de 2018

Post 6: Post graduate studies

Hello my appreciated friends today I will talk about an interesting topic, just read.
For a while time I thinking to do a post graduate studies, so when I finish my current career I would like to do a master’s degree in public policy, the reasons to do this course is various, one of them is the plus that give you a master’s degree in this field, also the master’s degree makes your curriculum more pretty and gives you more opportuneness in better jobs.
If I have the chance to go out of Chile, I take it, but I don’t have money so that’s why should win a scholarship for go to the abroad. I only know the scholarship of the governmental system CONICYT (his acronym on Spanish), the grants of CONICYT are really great, and these grants deliver to you a lot of support, in the ideal case win a scholarship when I finish my career, if that’s not the case I would like to the study related to public management in the INAP.
In the future, if I working I like to do a part-time course, otherwise I like to study full time
Well, that is al for today my esteemed friends, I Hope you like my beautiful blog
Here is a picture of Black Goku in Super Saiyajin Rose! <3 

martes, 13 de noviembre de 2018

Post 5, My future job

Hi folks! Today I am gonna talk about my future job

Well, I still not considered about my future job but I have in mind work at different places, one of them is “Contraloria General de la Republica” doing accounting tasks because in the past I gained experience in a big company called “Pharma Investi de Chile S.A”, in this place I realized my professional practice of technical accounting, (I worked around of 3 months), this job is in an office so it is indoors and you do not use to travel frequently, so that is why is complicated travel a lot in this job. In the terms of salary I would like a nice salary, earn good money but never so much to become a millionaire. (that has never been my goal)

I study at Universidad de Chile the career of Public Administration and I would like to study too bachelor’s degree in History in the same university, I always love the history since I was a kid and always I get good marks in this subject. In one moment I like to study history but the small work field of this career made me turn back of my decision and look other options

Bye friends! I Hope you like my beautiful blog, see you later!

martes, 6 de noviembre de 2018

Post 4,Talk about your favorite song

Hello fellas,
Today I am going to speak about my favorite song; this song is “Somebody to Love” of the British rock band Queen.
Well Queen is a band so various, in his trajectory they played a lot of different styles of music but my favorite term of Queen is without a doubt the period of the years 70’.
“Somebody to Love” was publishing in the year 1976 at the Album “A Day at the Races” of the same year, this song is a ballad that blends rock and gospel and the lyrics relate a history of a man who can’t finds the love and search desperately the love, and he demand to God because he made an effort all his life and he get nothing, that is the reason because he search somebody to love.

I really love this song because the chorus of Freddie Mercury, Brian May and Roger Taylor are unbelievable, the guitar solo is amazing and the intro and outro are spectacular, also Freddie and Roger reach notes very high and that is incredible.
I identify with the song because I not find anyone to love :( just like the man of the song
I Hope you like this song so pretty!   

martes, 30 de octubre de 2018

Post 3 My favorite movie or serie

 Hello everyone
In this occasion the topic is talk about or a movie or series, but today I am going to talk about my favorite anime and that is Dragon Ball!
Well, the plot describes the adventures of Goku, a saiyajin warrior, who protects the earth of the different and powerful enemies, (the most popular are Freezer, Cell or Majin Buu) in this universe exist the magic dragon balls, if you collect the seven dragon balls then appear Sheng Long, who give you a wish and you can wish whatever you want!
Goku come from planet Vegeta and arrives at the earth when he is 4 years old, and reared in this planet, in this tour Goku knows many friends like, Krillin, Bulma, Yamcha, Roshi Sensei among others. He meets so many enemies like Vegeta, Ten Shin Han and Piccolo, everyone all of them turn into good guys. Other characters very important are Gohan and Goten (Both son of Goku), Trunks (Son of Vegeta and Bulma)

Dragon Ball has many seasons, first is Dragon Ball, later Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super (Too Dragon Ball GT but this is not canon and is so bad). My favorite saga is the saga of the androids, later the saga of Freezer and finish the tournament of power (full of epic battles)
I Loved dragon ball because is a shonen (anime of a action)
I really recommend you Dragon Ball is so good and so entertaining.

martes, 23 de octubre de 2018

Post 2, The Best ever!

If I have to talk about the best concert I ever attended it is was the Santiago Rock City! This concert occurred of September, 29 of 2017 in the Monumental Stadium in Santiago. The artist that I saw was The Who and Guns N’ Roses (Wow, that luxury).

Well, Guns N’ Roses are a band from Los Angeles, California, United States and they play Hard Rock, the Guns are the most influential bands in the history, the album debut of the band it is was Appetite for Destruction of 1987, this album has sold 3514 million copies worldwide and reach the number 1 on the Billboard 200 in United States. And The Who are a band from London, England, United Kingdom, they are a rock band very important and they form as a band in 1964, The Who are knowed because of they popularized the destruction of his instruments in the concerts. They entered the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1990. The atmosphere of this event it is was spectacular, there is a long queue for the concert and the street trade abounded, I really enjoyed this concert it is was amazing, the concert has lasted 5 hours! (So crazy) Watch in live legends such as Axel Rose, Roger Daltrey, Pete Townshend and seeing Slash playing the guitar solos it was really great.

martes, 16 de octubre de 2018

Post 1, A country I would like to visit

Hello my dear friends!

Today I will talk about a country I would like to visit and this country is Italy! I would like to know Italy because this is a country so beautiful and has many monuments so cool! Relating to Italy I only know some things, such as the shape of territory have form of boat, also is the country where born the pizza and the spaghetti, after knowing this is impossible not to love Italy. There are the coliseum, this are a amphithater for the entertainment of the people, as well. In Italy I would like to do visit the stadiums of football, like "San Siro/Giuseppe Meazza", "Juventus Stadium", "Olimpico de Roma", "San Paolo", "San Nicola" among others. Also I would like to visit the cathedral of Milan. Finally I would study in Italy beacuse is a country that gives you many opportuneness and have universitys very good, like Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza, number 108 in the ranking global  

Bye friends!

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