viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2018

Post 7, Is obesity a disease?

Hi again my dear friends, are you okay? Today I will talk about a topic serious, more concretely about the obesity that is why we will work with the next question:
Is obesity a disease?
Well, what I am think is the obesity is that a disease, and now my reasons
In first place the obesity cause effect very negatives in your body, in addition you have a propensity to catch diabetes, high blood pressure and cardiovascular complications, and that is so sad and bad, another reason is that getting out of obesity is very difficult. Also the obesity decreases a person's life expectancy and can cause death, like other diseases, the Obesity in adults can lead to three years' loss of life and the extreme obesity can shorten a person's life span by 10 years! This shows that the situation is very serious. According to a study conducted by "Lancet" demonstrates that even moderate obesity led to an increased chance of early death, 29.5% for men and 14.6% for women. Another reason that takes strength in my argument is the opinion of experts on the topic, like the English physician Thomas Sydenham or William Wadd a British surgeon and medical author, both have referenced obesity as a disease in his works.
It is for all these reasons mentioned above that I think that obesity is a disease, what do you think?

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